
Saturday, July 24, 2010

local sweet spot: findlay market

I fell a little bit more in love with Cincinnati after a recent trip to the much heard about farmer's market downtown -- Findlay Market.

Despite being located smack in the middle of an area of town even my ever-confident husband seemed nervous about leaving his Honda parked in, this mecca of fresh, delicious, and creative wares evoked various memories in my head. Good, wholesome travel memories of places like Pike Place Public Market in Seattle and Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, albeit on a much smaller scale.

So much fresh produce, but not only that: beer garden, bakeries, flowers, little blogger head was spinning!

I couldn't resist indulging in an amazing freshly baked belgium waffle piled high with mouthwatering strawberries and whipped cream and a cup of gelato had me drooling before the poor guy served it to me. That good.

No counting calories on the weekend!

We even bought Colbie some organic dog treats. Spoiled hound.

Here are a few of the other things I couldn't resist purchasing...

Blackberries! This photo does not even begin to capture the plump deliciousness of these blackberries. YUM.

The colors were unlike what you find at your local grocer. Prices were better, too!

Had to snag a few ears of bicolor corn to throw in a pot that night.

Wherever it is you live in this world, I assure that somewhere near you is a farmer's market you will fall in love with. Find it. Buy local! :o)


  1. Hey G! Cute blog. It will be fun following you and your garden :o) My blog has gone a bit neglected lately with graduation, new job, etc. but hopefully I'll get some new posts up soon - including one about our own "urban" garden hehe. Miss you and glad to see life is good for you guys!! Love, Linds

  2. i love the farmer's market too! i'm planning on going very soon myself. i'd really love some fresh cut flowers. i like to wander around even if i don't have anything to's just a neat place to be.


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