
Saturday, July 31, 2010

simple, succulent saturday

It was a morning of succulence.

(Or succulents, depending on how you look at it.)

I spent the morning with my fantastic friend M. M is a beautiful, strong, and intelligent woman. We are kindred spirits!

Anyway, this was my first outing with M since becoming a blogger...and hopefully I didn't scare her with my erratic impulses to take photographs of everything we encountered on our morning adventure. Here are some glimpses of our stops along the way:

1. We rescued the neighborhood planters that some punks had knocked over into the street. We literally parked, got out and heaved the toppled urns back upright. Hopefully the local garden society nurses them back to their former beauty.

2. Ate breakfast at my favorite local coffee shop. I ordered my usual "senior citizen" meal of oatmeal with cranberries and walnuts. Oh, and brown sugar. Pure heaven.

3. Strolled down the street to weekend farmer's market. You must realize by now that I adore farmer's markets.

The highlight of this one was Bob. Bob was there selling his plants, which are grown locally in the city. Bob was delightfully eager to give me all the details. (Bob may possibly be 90-years-old.)

This is Bob's helpful hand:

Bob told me all about the "hen and chicks" plant (below) I thought it looked like a succulent.

Bob assured me it is actually a cactus.

(That'll teach me for trying to appear knowledgeable! At least I was in the correct family.)

Then I asked Bob, "How often do you have to water this?"

Bob replied matter-of-factly: "Never."

Nice! Sounds like my kind of plant. Low-maintenance, yet so very pretty.

4. The final stop M and I made was at a garage sale/flea market type place. M was first attracted to the Vietnamese delivery bike on the sidewalk out front. M, by the way, is incredibly knowledgeable. She know all kinds of random things about old stuff, which I found fascinating. I know nothing about antiquing. Zip. We did find some treasures to take home. M found some lovely and dainty hand-stitched handkerchiefs for $1.50. I went for some blue glass Mason jars (three for $27 - may have been ripped off, but don't really care.) I love the ocean blue color and the functionality - I have a million ideas for what to do with them!
{my blue lovelies}

So that was my morning -- indulging in some of my favorite things: coffee, food, flowers, shopping, and conversation with a good friend.

Hope you are having a simple, succulent Saturday as well! :o)


  1. M loves you! :-) (Signed anonymous only because I can't figure out your darn blog! Ha!)

  2. What kind of camera do you have, it takes great pics!


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