
Friday, August 20, 2010


Att-ruh-verrrrr-see-AHHHHHmoh....I could say that word all day. It is Italian for "let's cross over." Just one of the many lines/phrases/bits of goodness that make you warm with happiness while watching the movie Eat Pray Love.

This movie will do 3 simple things:

1. Make you crave carbs. Lots.
2. Inspire you to travel someplace completely amazing (oh, like, perhaps Italy, India, or Bali)
3. Convince you that you, too, can find balance in life...and learn Italian, and marry a rich Brazilian...


Anyway, I first read Elizabeth Gilbert's book several years ago, snagged from the "new release" shelf at the local library.

Fell in love.

The movie is just as self-indulgently wonderful as the book. It has everything I adore in a movie. A strong female protagonist - who is independent but still values romance, a fantastic soundtrack, and is set in Europe. Plus, it inspires you to do something amazing with your own life. Who doesn't want to take a year to visit three exotic locations and be completely self-focused? A luxury only a writer/millionaire can afford. The rest of us can dream, live vicariously through our reads...

...and eat lots and lots of pasta!

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