
Saturday, September 11, 2010

thrifty find: {aluminum garden tubs}

Sometimes things are good just how they are.

I bought two of these aluminum garden buckets the other day at my local mini-flea market for a fabulous 2 bucks each, and I had big plans. HUGE plans. To make them even better!

I fully intended to prime them, paint them, and use them as fall planters for my front porch.

Then, I realized that for right now, I love them just how they are. A little rust here and there. A missing handle on one.

Gives a bucket character, ya know? :)

So I used them to set the stage for my recent anniversary dinner. The shiny aluminum color looks great with a huge bouquet of wildflowers,

...or inside.

Or even as an ice bucket for a bottle of bubbly!

They definitely work as rustic, outdoor entertaining I may keep them in their original glory for just a little while longer. Later -- who knows? The possibilities for these shiny, sassy little vessels are endless!

Plus, right now I am a little sick, and inhaling spray paint fumes proooooobably not my best choice.

Just sayin'.

{Hope you are happy and healthy this beautiful Saturday!}

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