
Saturday, March 12, 2011

are you {succulent}?

Are you a  
"succulent wild woman?"
This is one of my favorite inspirational books.  If you have never read Succulent Wild Woman by SARK - do so!  You will be inspired! 

Sometimes I forget I am succulent.  
Like when I eat fries from McDonalds and feel fat.
Like when I get so overwhelmed with all my projects that I throw my hands up in the air, bury myself in my bed, and get absolutely nothing done.
Like when I feel like I have no control over anything. 
Like when my hormones/life overwhelms me and for seemingly no reason at all I have to have an ugly cry in order to feel better.
{my husband loves that one}

I had to re-read Succulent Wild Woman recently to remind myself that being imperfect is all part of my succulence.  To remind myself that being authentic is more important than being every thing to every person.  That I might not be the best at something, but putting my best effort in will only make me do it better each time I hunker down and TRY.  That I can choose to be happy and I am capable of doing ANYTHING!  I can also choose to hide in bed for most of the day and that is OKAY.  :o)  That I should SAVOR everything - dessert, the sunshine, sleeping in with the one you love, uncontrollable laughter with a true friend.

"Don't power walk. Saunter slowly in the sun, eating chocolate, and carry a blanket so you can take a nap."

What made you feel succulent today?  

For me?
Sleeping in...with my new full-body preggo pillow:

This Boppy makes me happy!

Finally bringing home a sprig of the plant I take care for at I can grow my own at home:

{someday you'll have roots!}

{growing things makes me feel like I am a part of something bigger}

"Nourish your eye and spirit with inspiring things. They will bloom with your tending." 

Hoping you had a wild, Succulent Saturday...


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