
Friday, June 10, 2011

{five ways to know you are about to have your first baby}

1.  All of a sudden it is exciting to come home from work and find a pack-n-play set up in your bedroom.  
 2. The books on your nightstand are ALL baby-related.
 3.  Suddenly there are 5x the normal amount of pillows on your bed...and you still can't sleep comfortably. 
 4.  You have been carefully packing your hospital bag for the past month...and still are concerned you will not be ready.  {Yes, I did invest in comfy slippers.}
 5.  You leave notes for your spouse surrounded by cute baby things.  Or, at least, I do.  Because I really don't know what to use these things for yet.  :)
Anyone else ready for me to have this baby already???
The little man is getting restless.
So is mama.
I am dilated 1cm!
Can I make it another four weeks?

Hope everyone has a beautiful weekend!


  1. Oh my gosh! I can't wait!

    NOTE. Great job on packing the hospital bag ahead of time.

    SIDE NOTE: Make sure sometimes take it with you to the hospital. ;) (Speaking from experience, unfortunately.)

  2. We are excited for that little one to get here, but not in a hurry. Try to get as much rest as you can, you will need it.


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