
Thursday, July 7, 2011

{a blogger looks at 30}

Today I turned thirty.
Surprisingly I am unfazed by this formerly tragic-sounding age.
Maybe it is because I am on the verge of delivering my first baby, and to be honest, nothing else seems that important.
Maybe it is because I don't feel "thirty" {whatever that feels like?}
Or maybe it is because when
 I look back on my twenties, I think both of how exciting they were...
and what an absolute rollercoaster of changes
they brought.

This is me at 20.  
{so young!}
I lived in St. Paul, MN.  I had just met and started dating my future Hubby.
I had no idea where my life was headed in the next ten years!
21 and 22 were spent working full-time while going to school, and the typically college stuff: dating, partying, traveling, drama, adventures, heartache, mistakes, and a lot of FUN!
At 23, after various breakups and a lot of trying to make it work long-distance, 
Hubby and I got engaged!
Then we got un-engaged...we still had some growing up to do!
At 24 I graduated from college with a degree in English.
{As with many things in my twenties, it took me a while to decide on my major.}
After graduating I moved to the same state as {future}Hubby and we dated again, on-and-off, for a while...finally not long-distance!
At 25 we got engaged again 
{this time I asked him!}
This time, at 26, we ended up married.
best. day. ever.

From 26-27 I was a newlywed, stumbling my way through the beauty and difficulty that is marriage {I still am!}  I realized how much I love creating a home and learning to cook...and even baking a little!
At 28 I became the proud pet parent of 
this guy:
At 29 I started blogging...
{which brings me JOY!}
...and I got pregnant!
Honestly, twenty-nine has been the best year ever.
And here I am now at 30. 
Baby bump and all.

 There are definitely more lines on my face.  More pounds on my frame.  More memories  written on my heart - both good and bad.  I am certainly less naive, and a little more skeptical than at 20...but also more at peace, and much happier with who I am.

Mostly,  I am simply thankful God guided me through the tumultuous twenties safely!
As for my thirties?
Bring it.


  1. you are adorable! you look gorgeous in all the pics!! and the same ages throughout. not long before baby comes? i just turned 30 in may and am learning to embrace it too!

  2. such a gorgeous post. i loved reading it.
    you have such a way with words.

  3. um you are gorgeous!!!!and ur pup looks like my Macy (labradoodle)!!!!!! hugs! xoxo

  4. You are more beautiful now than ever- and I never could have imagined feeling so truely close to someone. I love you.

  5. I cried. ;) I turn 30 in less than 6 months. Great post, Greta!

  6. Happy birthday!!! You hardly look 30 :) I'll be turning 30 next year and I'm still in denial.... Stopping by from Casey's!

  7. 30 is great. I am always thankful God brought me through my 20's. yikes. Congrats on the baby, yeah!

  8. Visiting from The Wiegand's :) Loved this post and the encouragement about the big's my turn next month and I've been dreading it a bit! I too definitely feel more at peace now than throughout the seasons of my 20's though.
    Congrats on the little one...they are truly amazing!!

  9. LOVE this round up of your last 10 year! Cute words and cuter photos!:) Happy 30th!


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