
Friday, December 9, 2011

{oh, ombre!}

I am getting the "December Itch."
Yes, it's the time of year when I really want to chop my hair short.  In order to resist this urge, I am focusing on trends not involving pixie cuts and "the shab."
Here is my favorite: ombre!

I love that what was once known as having "really bad roots" is now a hair fashion trend.  I'm intrigued.  Can you go to the salon and request "the ombre" dye job...or do you have to just let your highlights grow out?

In any case...LOVE!

Source: via Alyssa on Pinterest

Source: via Kim on Pinterest

Anyway, hope everyone is having a beautiful Friday!  I am ready for a weekend of... possible cookie baking {!?!?}, girls night, and a fabulous holiday flea market!

love -- 


  1. Is wanting to chop your hair off a December thing? I was thinking it was a "Mom thing". ;) I want to chop mine, too. Maybe I better wait it out.

    Have fun baking! I am hoping to do some as well.

  2. Ok, so I have the same itch! Two years ago I had a green wig: heavy bang and shoulder length. I'm doing it! Only, not green of course :)

  3. omg this is so my hair colour problem and yesterday I decided to just chop it all off .. it wasn't as gorgeous as this.. and didn't have time for hilights but now I feel much better about the roots! thank goodness it's fashionable.


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