
Thursday, January 19, 2012

mama confessions: baby names & bath time

I have had my 'girl baby name' picked out since I was eleven.  I was on the floor of my bedroom, during the heat of the summer {we had no AC} flipping through a Seventeen magazine, when I saw it.  It was some girl from Arizona State in a feature on fashion at different universities.  She had the perfect name, and I decided right then and there I would name my daughter that.  

I also have three 'boy names' picked out.  I'm pretty convinced I will have another boy or two, so I must be triply prepared on this one.   And no, I won't post any of my names - I like to surprise {and annoy} people! ;)

Why am I even thinking about this? My sister in law Jen recently announced on her precious blog that she is pregnant!  I love all things baby and pregnancy, so I am super excited for Baby B!  Plus, a whole lot of other bloggers that I adore and follow are also pregnant...and it is interesting to see every woman's different take on her journey towards having a baby {or another baby!}

{Side note: No, I am not pregnant, nor do I plan to be any time soon.  That will happen when my current baby can walk, talk, and feed himself.  I am very confident I can take my birth control correctly until that happens.}

Anyway, here is a list of the baby names most likely to be used in 2012 {at least according to this survey.}  Check it out by clicking HERE.  Any catch your eye?  

None of my names are on this list...which makes me happy.  I really like some of them - Jude, Isla, and Scarlett are my favorites.  But I, like the article's author, feel darn good that none of my names are predicted to be trendy this year.

Heck, let's face it.  My names will never be popular.  I mean, I named my kid Cormac.  Which I still adore, even though no one seems to be able to pronounce it {Carmex?  Cognac?  CorMACK?} and most give me a weird look when I tell them.  Which only makes me like it more.  People did {and sometimes still do} that with my name, too.  I think I've met 3 people named 'Greta' in my life.  I love having a name no one else I know has...and I think he will, too.

On to my confession:  I have yet to take any bathtime pictures of Baby Cormac.  I know, right?  Slacker!  My excuse is that taking photos of my baby while he is in the bathtub seems kind of dangerous, as bathtime is typically during the day when Hubby is at work.  And since I still have to keep him upright in the tub, and quite frankly don't want my camera to fall in the water, we will have to settle for some post-bath pics.  Which are almost as good.  :)

If you haven't noticed, my baby does not smile at cameras.  
He stares in wonder...
or sometimes annoyance.
We'll work on that.

Anyway, did any of the names on 'the list' make it on your list? {if you have one!}
How do you choose your baby names?  A list like this?  Books? A generator/name wizard?
Family names? And do you/will you share the name prior to birth?

I only tell my sister.

Much Friday love to you!


  1. UGH HE IS SUCH A DOLL!! I love him in his hooded towel. And thank you for the shout out, Baby is going to love his Aunt Greta so much! Ben and I don't agree on any names, we have six months to settle that. We had ONE that we both liked for a girl and I saw it on that 'list' a while ago - so sad. I was always in class with 3 other Jennifer's so I would like little babe to have less of that. If you have any left over names you're never gonna use, send them over our way...we're in need!

  2. What a cutie pie! :)

    And it will be another surprise on the well as the sex! (Although I see another boy...or perhaps two...for me as well!)

    We have a girl name picked out. But no boy names. We cannot agree on names. At all. Except for Mack. :)

    Mack (or Mac). What a good name. ;)

  3. Cormac was one of our names (Dan is a HUGE McCarthy fan) so I LOVE it!!! Funny - I also had Greyson on my list but couldn't do it because the poor kid would have then been Grey Brown. Ugh. Anyway, must be a "stehr" thing. Haven't met anyone else with a Huxley yet - hoping I never do. Hugs to you. Stephanie (your cousin)

    1. I LOVE the name Huxley -- another great "writer" name. But don't worry -- cousin code, I won't use it!! But I think it is really cool that we all have similar taste in names...must be a "twin dad" thing? :)

  4. bath pic #7 is my fave ~ adore that expression. <3

    if nick & i have a babe, we'll definitely need at least 1 or 2 names ready to go as we'd want to leave the sex a surprise. :) when pondering possible names, i find we steer clear of any names of people we've met who've left us with bad tastes in our mouths, lol. i'm also not a "give-a-common-name-a-unusual-spelling" type of girl either.

    btw, have you read "freakonomics?" their section about names is really interesting!

  5. When I was pregnant, I worked in the newborn nursery. Every night there were lots of names to think about. Some common others you had to ask the Mom "how do you pronoun that?" My cousin always said if she had a boy she would name him Bentley, our mothers maiden name.

  6. I'm telling ya' every time you post pictures of fever!! I think I'm ready for another one :) I really like "different" names.... I definitely get weird looks about Justus, but Oliver is actually more used than I realized when we named him. I, too, drive everyone crazy because we don't share our baby name choices or find out what we're having, for that matter! It's funny how frustrated that makes people!! ;) I'm out of boy names and my two fav girl names have been "taken" recently! Hmm....
    P.S. I love the name Cormac! But, I won't steal :)
    Have a great rest of your week!!

  7. I just love the pictures you post of Cormac. Those are wonderful and I will never get tired of seeing them!

  8. oh my gosh what a doll..

    well i will say that although i am done with any MORE babies it has been so hard to name my 3 boys.. i dont know why boys are so hard for me. for girls i love short names. my first son has a very common name that i did not know would become popular and i really dont like that part... my other two are less common but i did have relatives ask me if i was flat out messing with them on how to pronounce Kieran (kyeer-ran) and i had NO idea it was so hard until my own doctor, who has delivered thousands of babies said 'well thats an interesting one... KEER E ANN!' and i didn't have the heart to correct her haha


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