
Friday, February 17, 2012

14 days of loves: day 14 {my valentine}

No dinner.  No chocolate.  No flowers.
Spa Day!

We drove 2 hours to drop the babe off at his Mimi's house, so we could enjoy our daytime Valentine's Date.  Here is me, makeup-free in my sweats, all ready to bliss out:
 Started the morning off right relaxing together with a latte and sweet vday treats!
 I read my book, and Hubby got a paper and did the crossword.  We did this a lot in our former, pre-baby life together. :)

Then it was off to the spa.
Doesn't that sound swanky?
As if we have spa days a lot {we don't.}
Hubby booked us both two services each.
And although we spent the next three hours apart...
it was heavenly.

I took a waterfall shower, 
sat in the sauna,
sipped 'calm' tea,
had a foot scrub,
full-body massage,
more tea,
then pedicure.

Anytime I was asked if I'd like something...sample of lip oil on my neck...more tea...
I said:  Don't mind if I do.

Pure zen awesomeness.

Only weird part...this awkward conversation with my masseuse:

Her: When was your last massage?
Me:  Ummmm...seriously I can't remember.
Her: *look of pity* 
Me: Maybe three years ago?
Her: Any recent surgeries or health issues?
Me: Nope. Unless you count having a baby.  If so, then yes.
Her: *uncomfortable stare*
Me: *uncomfortable laugh* 
Her: Any particular area you want me to concentrate on?
Me: Um...pretty much anywhere.  Everywhere. It all needs help!

After another odd look from her
{note to self: don't try to joke around with massage therapists}
 the awkward question/answer period ended, 
and the AMAZING massage ensued.

So, so nice.

Then, famished, we had a late lunch of
sushi and, of course, wine. 
Was a nice change-up from our typical Valentine's dates, before Baby came along.  Much needed rejuvenation for this mama.  And much-appreciated romantic date-time for both of us.

Thank you, Hubby, for loving me so much.  Every day.


  1. Such a lovely sounding day. :) Ahhhhh.....Massage sounds so lovely. And sushi after a massage. Perfect day.

  2. Sounds so amazing!! I have never gotten a massage...never been to a spa! Gasp!! Someday :)

  3. Pure bliss... I would LOVE a day like that. A girl can dream... :-)

  4. What a perfect day! You two know how to live, and celebrate life and each other.


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