
Thursday, February 2, 2012

14 days of loves: day 2 {Girry}

 "Girry" is Cormac's giraffe.  
{we are really creative with naming toys around here...the zebra is "Zebby"...the frog is "Roger Ribbit"...the duck is "Duckie Doo" get the idea. welcome to parenthood.}

Girry has four different sound settings and is an essential part of the bedtime routine.  
After 'baby massage', pajama time, songs, reading books, and prayers, we lay Cormac in his crib and after a few cries of protest he immediately grabs Girry and sticks the poor giraffe's head in his mouth.  

Who needs a thumb to self-soothe with when you have a fuzzy giraffe head?
After the biting and chewing of the head ends, they cuddle and settle into a blissful sleep...
...which is why I love Girry.
(Girry purchased at Target, in case you want one of your own.)


  1. Hahaha. I love that first photo! ;) Mack's "Girry" is "Froggy." Creative, huh? ;)

  2. I love the pictures.
    We miss you all.

  3. SO CUTE!!! I love the names :-) I am so excited to see Cormic holding himself up. He is growing up and cute as can be.

  4. What an adorable baby you have! Coming over from Shaunna's 25 Things link up.


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