
Thursday, March 8, 2012

top ten favorite {self-pics!}

I am often teased for all the self-pics I take...
but I will never stop.
I love "self-pics" -- not just of me, but anyone!  
They are typically too close, off-kilter, and very unflattering.
However, as I recently sorted through my thousands of pictures, in an attempt to finally move some to an external hard drive, I realized that so many of my favorite were self-pics.
Hey,  if no one is there to take a picture of you, somebody has to capture the moment!

So here they are, in random order, my
top ten favorite self pics:

 1. hubby and I at the kentucky derby - 2008.  I love our huge chins.  and our fanciness.  and his buzz cut.
 2. hubby as popeye on halloween.  this expression is classic.
 3.  my attempt at a wink.  epic fail.  
 4.  my niece isabel.  She didn't really take this photo...but it looks like she did!
 5.  love, love, love this one of me, hair a mess, without a speck of makeup, and my dog smelling my armpit.
 6.  goofing around with my adorable niece and nephew, in our pjs. pure joy!
 7.  in destin, fl on a 'roommate reunion' with these two fabulous ladies.  this was after a LOT of red wine... well, I know I had a lot of wine!
 8. I like this one mainly because of hubby's sister jen photobombing in the background - hilarious!  
 9.  these are two of hubby's best friends.  we are all out celebrating his birthday.  everything about this photo is just ridiculous. and that is why I love it.
 10.  this was my first visit to my current city.  with then-bf, now-hubby eating my cheek.
and a bonus: #11. the side-mirror shot.  adore!

Hurrah for self-pics!  
Take a few...they are fun to look back on.
Not meant to look good...just meant to make you smile. :)


  1. Loves the self pics! Photo bombs and biting. So presh dolly!

  2. Good post! :) So very true. {plus, your chances of a good pic are better taking it yourself than asking someone else to take it anways. ;)

  3. So funny Greta! Love this post! And on #7 there was a lot of red wine and fake red wine :( Someday we can get together and both be able to drink real red wine!

  4. All of the pics are great! You are very photogenic! My pics don't seem to turn out as well....

  5. i love going through old photos just for this reason, so fun... and the photobomb picture i laughed out loud lol

  6. These are fab - you made me smile! Thank you!!



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