
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

made my day.

1. running with baby. {always does.}
2. finally choosing a font for the little one's first birthday invites.  anyone else geek over free, cool fonts?
i completely do. 

3. fabric arrived!!!  for a future attempt at being crafty {which I'm not.}  here is a sneak peak:

4. it was 'world malbec day' yesterday.  aka an excuse to open that bottle of malbec I've been eyeing on the rack for a while.  was not disappointed!   {espuela del gaucho, malbec, 2010}
5. yoga class!  enough said.
6. flipping through the current Martha Stewart Living magazine and seeing Louisville featured.  We live in Kentucky, visit there a lot, and now I reeeeally want to go to this coffee shop:
{full article}
7. blueberry pancakes for dinner.  with malbec.  below are not my blueberry pancakes.  I burnt three and the others were not photo-worthy.  note to self: do not 'facebook' and make pancakes simultaneously.

What made your day?


  1. these are great. I'm geek over paint swatches. I obsess and obsess!! I am jealous that you are getting exercise! I need to work on that one. (weird comment. I know).

    The sun made my day today!

  2. Hahaha. ;) I just downloaded my font this weekend. Now must print them! OMG. Can't believe it is coming up so soon!

  3. mmmm, those pancakes look amazing. and i'll have to try that wine! the fact that it's FRIDAY makes my day today! :D have an awesome weekend!


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