
Sunday, July 15, 2012

{a first birthday}

There are some things I won't go into detail about regarding our little man's first birthday party...the coffee I forgot to put out, the rain, the huge pile of decorations that got shoved in the basement at the last minute because I ran out of time, the food that wasn't quite ready, various wardrobe malfunctions, or the fact that I completely forgot to even do my hair.
None of it mattered at the end of the day anyway.

  What  mattered most was that Cormac was surrounded by so many of the people that love him {and us} who were a part of his first year.
Here are some photos that hopefully capture the details and a little of the joy of the day...

the birthday boy socializing with guests

This year has been a wild ride.  The birth.  The sleepless nights.  The first eight weeks of 'survival mode.'  The 'firsts.'  The infectious laughter.  The crocodile tears.  The fumbling through it all,  hoping and praying that we are doing a half-way decent job.  
Something {new and beautiful} every day.  

 While we all sang 'happy birthday' to him I saw it all flash before my eyes, which then brimmed with tears.  

How did we go so quickly from this.... this?

Just the blink of an eye, friends...truly, just the blink of an eye.


  1. Looks like a lovely party for the mister. :) How true, how true. That first year flies by. Now time for baby #2. ;) Hehehe. JK, JK.

  2. hey i didn't do my hair either, haha! seriously though, like you said it was all about the people: i think cormac had fun :), the guests had fun :), and you snapped some wonderful shots that he will enjoy looking back on as the years keep flying by. <3

  3. Love that you made a chalkboard of all his milestones. I was so bad about writing all that stuff down! Isn't it so crazy how fast a year goes! It feels like you just had him (if I would have seem him myself!) BTW, you're post made me choke up a bit....

  4. awww love it!! Everything looked so cute. your little guy looks so big in these pictures. happy birthday Cormac!

  5. So precious dolly! What a lovely party! They grow up so fast!! Maybe it's time to just have another one so u can start the timeline over :0) love you and Mac!!


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