
Friday, August 31, 2012

memories from a home.

Last night, for the first time, I sort of panicked about moving into the 'dream home.' I realized it means actually leaving our current home, where we have lived for the past three years.  Our relationship, family, and careers went through many changes during this time.  I know three years isn't long in the grand scheme, but it feels like an eternity of memories.  Some big ones were...
  • adopting our goldendoodle Colbie - we were happy he had a yard to romp around in!
  • my first pregnancy!
  • welcoming our sweet baby Cormac into the world
  • three different job changes for Hubby
  • my first year as a stay-at-home mama
  • and many, many celebrations!
Here are just a small smattering of photos taken in and around our home....
our pup enjoying the yard when we first moved in
visit from my sister - nov 09 - before we re-did the pavers and porch
thanksgiving dinner - 2009 - during my bright green dining room phase
my 29th birthday!  always love coming downstairs to fresh flowers from the hubby
popeye and pocohontas ready to go out!   halloween 2010
after the doc confirmed I was preggo!
new years eve- 2010
24 weeks - the master bath has the best sunlight!

on the couch with dada
in the oversized, comfy nursery chair -  where I spent a LOT of time nursing this guy
I loved having a backyard to 'adventure' in with our babe.

preparing for our prague trip - getting used to the bjorn 

was he really this tiny...and immobile???
christmas 2011

on the back patio, drinking tea
sweet babe in his nursery
the kitchen - where all the magic - and messes - happen
trying to capture the entire fam hanging out in our bedroom
the kitchen floor - where you will most likely find these two boys.
hubby's 31st birthday

'hey mom - some privacy please!' - tub time
two peas in a pod - in the nursery/guest room

Game night!
taking his first steps
the first birthday party

learning & playing

'mama, you shouldn't leave your journal hanging around...' - the master bedroom is where we read a bit and, of course, snuggle and play!
I enjoyed planting and watching our garden grow!

this is what we call 'dump truck alley' - aka the dining room
we took many a backyard pic
fall 2011
Soon we'll be saying goodbye to this house, 
and hello to a new house, new adventures,
new memories.

But for now...

hello to much, much more packing!


  1. Those are great pictures and great memories. Here is to having many more great pictures and memories in your new home. And more games of Catan! Rock on!

  2. You have made alot of memories there!! When do you move to the new house?

  3. I loved seeing all the pictures of your three years. They show a beautiful story of your time there.

  4. I can imagine how hard it would be to leave! We have only been at our house for 2 years, and already I have so many memories here. Cheers to the new house, though! And the many more babies that will be born to it. ;)

  5. I meant to comment on this awhile ago, but I didn't have a chance. You seriously have the most adorable little family I have ever seen!! It is always sad to leave places where we make such good memories, but you are going to have so many amazing memories in your new home! I'm excited to see pictures after you get all moved in and settled!


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