
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

design journal : stainless steel apron sink

As the kitchen renovation looms on the horizon, I thought I would share our most recent addition to the design -- a stainless steel apron sink.  Originally we were looking at white porcelain farmhouse sinks, which I think look absolutely gorgeous.  But while searching for one we both might like, Hubby came across a stainless steel option and threw it out there to me.  I was smitten.  We both agreed it went better with our vision for the kitchen - which hopefully will capture a warm, yet industrial look.  So the sink was ordered and it arrived the very next day.

While I can't show you exactly what our kitchen will look like, here are some gorgeous kitchens featuring stainless steel sinks...

The image below sort of shows how the sink will vibe with the dark cherry cabinets in our future kitchen, and the lighter shade of granite countertops we are planning on.  I love the look! {Um, and that beverage basin built into the island!!!}

What is your favorite style of kitchen sink? 
In what ways does your kitchen reflect your design style/personality? 

What type of faucet do you think we should go with? 
Super industrial or more traditional?  


  1. Oooh! With the stainless sink, you've gotta go super industrial, for sure! You'll get the whole restaurant kitchen vibe. :) IKEA has some cool ones that are more reasonably priced than other places.

    Those white farmhouse sinks are really cool, but after having a porcelain sink previously, they make me nervous. Ours got so scratched up looking. Stainless is so easy to clean.

    Check, check. Sink done!

  2. totally traditional faucet! like rustic bronze or something and maybe one of those super cool rincers on it

  3. Umm.. Yeah. that is what my kitchen looks like. Only add a bunch of clutter, smudges, spills and crumbs, and there you have it. The Kargas Family Kitchen. Hope yours looks as good as these photos! :)

  4. nick & his dad just cut the granite & installed our stainless steel sink last weekend! i think a stainless steel faucet would be best to match... nothing too ornate -- and i guess whether it's a more curvilinear or angular shape depends on what would be best balanced in the room :)


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