
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

one year ago : halloween

Halloween when your baby is only a few months old is not incredibly exciting.  

I'm just being honest, folks.  Last year our little Cormac was, at his mama's choosing, a doctor.  As he is sure to grow up to be, right?  No pressure, Mac.

Anyway, it is cute to dress up the little lump and take some photographs to document that, like good parents, you dressed up your kiddo.

Here is our proof we did our duty last year...

Quick diaper change in the car before taking him to hang out with our friends.  He doesn't look thrilled!
'page dr. c. landon ford to the o.r stat!  just make sure he has a clean diaper!'

looking slightly uncomfortable
I can't even believe a year ago he was this tiny.
dr. mcbaby: it was a rough day to save lives.
This year, with a 15-month-old, it is sure to be a little more entertaining.  We chose the costume based on Cormac's first word besides 'mama' and 'dada'....'dog' - or as he says it: "AWWWWG!"

Here are some shots of our little pup at the fun Halloween party last night at Hubby's office.  He started out scared of Ernie the Elf, but eventually he was following him around everywhere, trying to photo-bomb all the other kiddos pictures with him, and even open-mouth kissed him a couple times...poor Ernie didn't know what to do.

Plus...we are actually going to take him trick-or-treating this year!

Sure, he can't eat 99% of the candy.  But we can. 


  1. oohhhhhh such an adorable doc AND dog. :)

    Hard to believe how teeny they were last year, huH? Crazy how time flies.

  2. He really was a cute doctor, I must say! Cute this year as well of course!

  3. He was so small!!! We're not dressing up emmie :( sad!!

  4. What a cutie! I can't believe it was a year ago!! Doesn't time fly!!

    By the way, I came over to comment on your girls post which popped up on my Reader but it's gone - magic! But just wanted to say I TOTALLY agree with you about making girls look like women - so wrong. I hate that look!



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