
Friday, November 16, 2012

oh, baby?!?

Oh yes!
I am pregnant with baby number two!

Hubby and I were completely shocked by this one.
sorry for the above two crappy phone pics! the test says I'm pregnant, I swear.
We were planning to wait until our kitchen was completely done before even starting to 'try' to have another baby.  We were planning to wait until after our trip to St. Martin in December. But,  as my sister told me when I called her in a complete panic after taking the pregnancy test, "God laughs when we try to make plans, Greta!" Oh, that laughter I must evoke.

I found out I was pregnant in late September, after a few tell-tale symptoms and being two days 'late' prompted me to take a test.  That seems like forever ago.

Now, I am have just completed week twelve.  Almost done with the first trimester.  Not a moment too soon.  It's been a rough one!  Much, much harder this time around.  
{six weeks}
I'll be posting the "finding out" story soon, some catch-up pics, and a 12 week bump-date...when I have the energy!

Much love-


  1. WHOOOOO HOOOOOO to more babies!!!!! A girl for sure. That is my prediction. :) Cormac will be so excited for a sibling....or will he? ;) I know my Mack won't be. Hahaha.

    So excited to watch the progression again!

    Congrats again, you two!

  2. omg!!! yay!! so happy for you : )

    you just like things to be extra crazy right???Lol

  3. I totally missed this!! Congrats! That is so exciting! You are the cutest pregnant lady ever, and just cutest in general. Hope you have a nice smooth pregnancy :)


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