
Thursday, November 29, 2012

preggo vlogs #1 and #2

This pregnancy I decided to do some video journals along with my normal weekly written journal {which I am sharing on the blog, in paraphrased form, every four weeks of my pregnancy through our 'bump-dates.'}

Keep in mind I feel much more natural writing my feelings, rather than speaking them.  However, I thought this might help you get to know me a little better, make me seem more like a "real" person behind the words that I write.

Or maybe it is just super awkward???  I don't feel awkward filming these at all, but it is always strange to see yourself on film and hear your own voice.  I never realized what it might be like conversing with myself.  I have determined four things about the experience:

1) My eyes bug out a lot.  I knew this, but actually seeing it is rather funny to me.
2) I say "um" and "so" and "just being honest" and "anyways" a lot.
3) I am pale.  Not the pretty pale, either.  The ghostly, pallid pale.
4) I have difficulty saying the word "vlog." It is a tricky one.

This is the 'one where I just found out I am pregnant' and I try to articulate my mixed feelings about that.  As I mentioned, I am not fantastic at articulating my thoughts orally, but hopefully this message comes across:  I am a little freaked out.  In a good way.  I think.  :D

Also, enjoy how I explain how a person gets pregnant - I'm sure you needed to know.  ;)

And here is the 'one where my toddler tries to kill me with a screwdriver.'  Sorry, you have to wait for the end to see that...or just skip to the end.  I also chat a bit about my birth plan.

Almost the weekend -- hurrah!  
We'll be on vacay next week.  The destination was supposed to be a surprise to me, but my MIL spilled the beans!  
I'll share with you soon!


  1. aw man! it says the video is private and i so wanted to watch your first vlogs!

  2. Oh man! I give you some props for that, Greta! I think you did great. :) Love hearing all the details. The camera comes out, and this lady runs. Quickly. To the opposite side of the house. ;)

  3. These videos will be so cool to look back on in years to come what a great idea! ;)


  4. Loved this. Again. When don't I say that after I read your blog? You are totally what I imagined you to be. Haha. Anyways, Yay pregnancy! Glad I finally got to catch up on your blog today.


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