
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

10 resolutions

1. Buy/wear more cute shoes.  I'll admit it.  I was a huge shoe lover pre-babies.  I spent eight years working in the shoe biz, so wearing fashionable footwear was a requirement that I relished.  After having Cormac I started seriously slacking in the stylish footwear department.  I have barely purchased any new shoes in the past two years, never mind cute ones.  More like comfortable and practical.  I still sometimes put on a pair of cute heels, but I'm now five months preggo, so it doesn't last long.

2. Have a natural birth.  You can read about my first birth here.  I wanted to go naturally, but if you have had a baby you know that plans can change.  This time I will be armed with an experienced doula and more realistic expectations on how long labor can take.   This girl is preparing for 20+ hours of hard labor.  Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised with 12-15?
3. Drink more water.  Yep, it's on the list again. I guess I need to quantify this.  How about 5 bottles (um, the smallish ones) a day?  Even that sounds like a lot...but here we go!
4. Gain less than 35 pounds this pregnancy.  I gained 38 last time, which I was fine with, and lost.  However, 35 sounds like a much nicer, more even odd number.  :)
5. Do yoga throughout my entire pregnancy.  I think I can do this one.  Been doing pi-yo each week and despite my burgeoning belly have managed to remain doing all the poses asked of me.  Except the one where we are supposed to lay on our tummy, reach back and grab our feet, and rock back and forth in the stretch.   I do child's pose during that one so I don't squash my, um, child. 
6. Bake more.  This Christmas I was such a good girl I was given a Kitchenaid mixer!  I didn't technically ask for this, even though I have wanted one for it must be a sign. I really have to get my bake on.  Be prepared for plenty of posts on those adventures!
Source: via Greta on Pinterest

7. Run a half marathon.  I am planning on doing one that occurs here in late September.  I'm an avid runner (the consistent, 3 mile a day kind) who has done plenty of 5 and 10K races...but never a half marathon.  Excited!
8.  Be more patient with Hubby.  Sometimes I feel like I can be really patient with my toddler, but then my poor Hubby gets the brunt of my impatience.  Especially when it comes to the renovations on our house.  We are going on 11 weeks without a kitchen.  However, I am promised by the end of today, I will be able to cook dinner with operable appliances and clean countertops.  We shall see.  If not, then I will just try to be more patient.  {ps - it happened!  I cooked dinner for the first time in months!}
9. Decorate our master bedroom!  Since moving into the 'dream home' I haven't really decorated. {Hubby renovates, I decorate.}  Nothing looks very personal because we have walls to patch/paint, flooring to redo, bedrooms to move around, and all the little items that make a house a home {art, family photos, accessories} seems to be packed away in the basement.  BUT...the master bedroom will stay where it is, and it is already painted a color I bedding, art to be hung, new rug, window panels/hardware, and accessories are in the works.  Reveal to come!
10. Host a baby shower!  (Not my own, don't worry.)  I've never hosted any type of shower before, so I am pretty pumped and thankful to my sweet friend for entrusting me with this honor.  Can't wait to share how everything turns out with you!

So what are your resolutions this year?  They say the best way to make a goal turn into reality is to write it down, share it with others to hold you accountable,  and journal about your you will start a blog if you haven't already?  :D

Linking with Lauren and Tiffany...

The Austin Family Diary
Happy New Year!


  1. Divide labor number one by at least 2, and that is labor number 2. :)

    LOSE 25-30 pounds. That is my only New Year's Resolution. Yep. That is it.

  2. yum on the baking! I got a Kitchen Aid as a wedding gift and I need to put that bad boy to good use!!

  3. I've been thinking of some that I should put to writing!!! ha!

    Happy New Year Greta!

  4. I'd love to host a baby shower for someone, too! I've never done it, and it seems like it would be fun.

    And I would love to do a natural birth, but I get the feeling that ill chicken out and beg for the epidural. We shall see!!


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