
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

sweet somethings : mama's day

Thought I might take a moment to muse on my Mother's Day.
My second one, and just as beautiful as the first.  This day has now surpassed Valentine's Day in my mind, as it is not just celebrating the love my Hubby and I  have for each other, but it is that, as well as the mutual love between myself and my baby {soon to be babies.}  And that which I have for my own mother.  And I get to see the love and respect my husband has for his mother.  All these things are awesome in my book.

Plus, the weather is usually warmer on Mother's Day compared to V-Day.  Added bonus!
mama's day quote...and my new entryway bench!
Quick recap of the weekend: Carnival on Saturday evening (after a day of cleaning and house projects) with the boy and Hubby, where they rode the kiddo rides and I ate funnel cake and took photos like a good mamarazzi would.  Church on Sunday...but a later service than usual, since Cormac blessed us with an extra hour of sleep - yay!  The church was packed with beautiful mamas clutching carnations given out, wearing pretty dresses and getting their photos taken with their children.  Was a lovely service and a lovely scene to behold.  After church the three of us went to the local downtown farmer's market and had brunch and walked around, buying a few yummy things along the way.  Went home for kiddo's nap, and did some final prep for our soon-arriving guests.  Then we met Hubby's mama and a whole crew of his other relatives over at a shopping/dining area a block from our house.  Entertained Cormac at an arcade since sadly our boat ride plan fell through, then had a lovely German feast at our favorite nearby restaurant.

Ended the day with gift opening, desserts and coffee back at our place.

I did not go into labor on Mother's Day as I had predicted.  But had some lovely, uncomfortable contractions as we walked around,  just to get everyone excited.  :D
I made fudge brownie batter cupcakes and mini fruit pizzas for our mother's day guests to eat back at our place
from hubby to two of the mamas in his life
flowers from the hydrangeas
flowers for hubby's mama...also gorg!

since I am super preggo I couldn't ride any rides at little carnie on saturday night...but I loved watching my two guys enjoy themselves!  oh, and I did eat a giant funnel cake. 
um, both hands on the wheel, son!
that's my kiddo - totally in love with him!
Grandma BB driving a Hummer at the arcade...priceless!
I think I told little Cormac about a thousand times that day, quietly in his ear or looking into his blue eyes, how happy I am to be his mama.  I know I make mistakes.  I feel like a failure on a regular basis.  I am completely petrified I won't be too great at handling two little ones.  But...I also know God put me in this role and with these specific kiddos for a reason, and although I am not perfect {no mama is} I am so thankful for each moment I have with the title 'mama.'

Such a sweet and special weekend!  
Much love to all you mamas out there...
you are doing a GREAT job!!!!!


  1. Oooh, I love that bench AND that quote!!

    And I can't wait for you to have your little one soon, too! So close! :)

  2. awww sounds perfect to me! the food you made looks so good right now.

  3. sounds like you had a lovely weekend! and for what it's worth i think you're an excellent mama, & will be a natural with two! :)

    i started doing this "mothers day poetry activity" my first year of teaching with my students. the kids make a list of positive characteristics & traits that first come to mind when they hear the word, "mother." then, after reflecting on their lists, they think of a person who embodies them. then we write! their poems are titled, "i have a mother; her/his name is _______." some still are "...and her name is mom," but others are along the lines of, "...and his/her name is dad. grandpa. aunt cheryl. mrs. wilson. father tom." et cetera. it's a cool way for these kids with different backgrounds to appreciate the wonderful people in their lives who have "mothered" them. :)

  4. What a wonderful weekend!! I can only imagine that each Mothers Day just gets better and better!

  5. amazing flowers and vase omg! also would love to know how is it that when Cormac is next to your hubby I think he looks just like him and when he's next to you I think the same thing.. super mix, that boy you have!! hope you are feeling great :)

  6. Oh my goodness those cup cakes look out of this world delicious.

  7. I can tell you are close to having the baby by your excitement in this post. :) So lovely. Happy Mother's Day!


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