
Monday, July 8, 2013


Yesterday I turned thirty-two.
It occurred to me I couldn't really remember how I celebrated my past two birthdays.  I'm sure I could research it -- ask Hubby, look back on photographs we took, etc.  I am beginning to think once you have kids things kind of become a blur.  Time speeds up.  Days blend together.  You stop thinking about your own birthday and, rather, obsess about theirs.  (Okay, maybe that is just me???)

Anyway, I wanted to record the events of this past weekend - my first birthday as a mama of two - so I wouldn't forget.  It wasn't particularly exciting...but it was lovely all the same.

Friday night I had my first girls night out since having Finola.  Hubby did double-duty while I got to go out with two sweet friends of mine.  We got dinner at a cool new restaurant.  I drank a tall, amazing beer and ate a fabulous shrimp and risotto dish.  We ate and talked for several hours, then walked around, found a cool swinging bench to sit on and talked some more.   Lucky ladies that we are, we just happened to be sitting in the perfect spot for the weekly Friday night fireworks show by the river.
Then we got frozen yogurt - my first time having Orange Leaf.  Yum!  Sweet end to a fun night with friends.

Saturday night my bestie M volunteered to babysit the babes and Hubby and I got a date night!  We went to the seafood restaurant we love near our home - the same one where I popped the question six years ago.   We ordered a bottle of one of our favorite wines {Cakebread Cabernet - 2009} and ordered a bunch of appetizers, including oysters, which I haven't had since before I got pregnant.  Loved it all!  Then we saw a movie and I might have inhaled an entire box of Milk Duds in lieu of birthday cake.  Totally worth it.

Sunday, my actual birthday, was a rather normal Sunday.  Highlight was Cormac serenading me by singing "Happy Birthday"  Here is the video...

Pics from my birthday - taken before church.  Usually I make sure to get a few photos of Hubby and I before our 'birthday date.'  This year I forgot to do that.  Instead, we have some of me and the kiddos.  (Well, mostly me and Finola, since Cormac ran away as soon as we suggested he stand still.)

+ + + + + + + 

Lastly, it was unintentional but Hubby took a photo of me and Finola that reminded me of a photo of me and my mama...

Here they are -

 My mother and I.  She is 34 and I am probably about 4 months.

Finola and I.  I am 32 and she is nearly 2 months.
 Mamas and daughters, 
thirty two years removed.
Love this.

Best birthday I can remember.


  1. Oh, those last two pictures are so special. Love them. :) Happy Birthday!!!! Yes, the years are just speeding by now, aren't they?!?!

    Love Cormac's apron! Mack wants one!

    And miss Finola is getting so big!!!

  2. Happy Birthday!! Adorable!!.. kids make having birthdays so much sweeter I think :)

  3. sounds like a WONDERFUL birthday weekend!! :) cormac's singing is absolutely adorable... & little miss finola looks darling in her outfit! ;) looks like year 32 will be your best one yet! <3

  4. Happy birthday!! I'm glad you had a lot of fun. Cormac singing is so incredibly adorable!! You are a lucky lady :)

  5. happy birthday lady! Also, didn't you just have a baby??? you look awesome! Great pictures and sounds like the perfect way to celebrate a birthday.

  6. 1. You look amazing!
    2. You proposed? I would love to read the story! Do you have it somewhere on your blog?
    3. Happy birthday!!! Hope this year is a good one!


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