
Thursday, August 1, 2013

simple things

I talked to my mother on the phone yesterday.
Since we live in different states and rarely see each other, 
I'll call her about once a week, and these phone calls are always pretty lengthy.
She, as always, filled me in on about a million things going on in their lives right now, and the lives of my three siblings.

(Biggest news!  My sister is just about to have her 4th baby!!!! Beyond excited!)

Talking to my mom on the phone is always fun...
and such a comfort.

But, yesterday when it came my turn to share about my life...
I didn't have much to say!
Life is quiet and uneventful right now.
I like that.

Just learning about my two kiddos,
and slowly adjusting to life
as a family of four.

Here are some recent photos from the camera...

+ + + + + + +

My limelight hydrangea bush finally bloomed!

These black-eyed susans came with the house...and I love them.

Sunshine in messy blonde hair.

More golden loveliness...

Baking brownies ended up being a messy idea - but he loved it! 
{and I just got that Virginia Woolf quote print - just need a frame!)

And here is my little tummy time princess!

I don't think I could adore that little face more.
"I love tummy time!"

There are those kind blue eyes I love - trying to master the train whistle.




  1. Oh how I enjoy days of nothing going on. 3 weeks from now I'll have that. ;) Although I am super excited for all our plans, I love the days filled with nothing best.

    She looks like she is liking tummy time! Maggie still hates it. ;)

  2. I always love looking at your photos! Both of your kids are crazy cute!

  3. I can't believe how big finola is already! that is crazy! love your pics.


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