
Monday, September 9, 2013

mamarazzi : mn edition

Well, I'm back.
Back from nearly two weeks in Minnesota visiting my parents.
It was, as always, such a lovely time with them, relaxing on the farm - or as much as you can relax with one really, really talkative and active toddler, and one tiny baby in your care.
Thankfully the grandparents gave me lots and lots of breaks!
They held Finola probably more than I did.
They let Cormac pull them around by the hand and ask a bazillion times while pointing to things:
"What's that???"

We did a lot together - 
went to the mn state fair
had a campfire
visited my hometown's brewery
went on a antiquing/lunch/birthday date with my mama
got coffee with a blogger friend in st. paul at one of my favorite old haunts
helped my older bro install a flagpole
had many heated political discussions {er, I mostly just listened}
ate lots of good meals {thanks mama - and SIL Jen!}
my brothers and niece and nephew finally got to meet baby fin!
went out to dinner with my good friend rach
got a dinner out with hubby!
watched a good movie with my mama {miss this!}

Lots of memories!  I am so thankful my kiddos, though we live far away, get this chance each summer to get to know my family.

Completely worth the hellish overnight drive there and the really long drive back (without Hubby!)

Here are some photographs from our little trip to the farm...

deep-fried oreo
all wiped out after a day at the state fair
"I put a frog in my hands like a cup!"

making "pizzas" in the playhouse
enjoying a 'boooger' on the playhouse front porch
how many men does it take to put up a flagpole??
my niece ella - the budding photographer
got to see this beautiful mama - twice!  one playdate and one dinner out sans babies.  miss my friend!

well hello gorgeous! 
uncle spence reading cormac's new favorite book - one dog canoe

the trail

our 'pasture'
one of my favorite views

I spy a little boy in the playhouse! my dad made this out of salvage wood from our old barn.
mastered the playhouse ladder immediately
sunset over gravel roads

campfire time
"Sing 'Blind Man!'"
Mom and Dad -
Thanks for a great trip.
My kiddos adore you and miss you already.
Already anxiously awaiting Christmas!


  1. What lovely photos, Greta. What a great trip. Worth the ride there, right??? ;) Hope the ride back was better. I'm guessing it had to be.

    It was nice catching up over coffee! Next year, come over for a play date...and maybe a double date with Jeremy and I? We'll be ready for a sitter soon!

  2. What a beautiful place your parents have and what wonderful fun it must have been for Cormac! The photos capture it so well.

  3. omg I had a deep fried oreo for the first time a few weekends ago, so good!!!

  4. What an amazing place! I can totally see why you had a great time, not to mention the fact that you got to spend time with your family.

    ps. found your blog via Colleen over at So much to say .. (very glad I did)


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