
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

//a garden party//

So we celebrated Finola on Saturday.
Sweet little Fin.
A garden party.
Ironically, it rained and was pretty cool outside,
so we spent zero time in our "garden" space in back.
Our first party in the 'dream home.' 
We've had people over before, but usually a few at a time and for dinner.
We really didn't have finished space for a larger gathering.
But now, despite every room having at least one half-finished project going on, 
the entire house is open and able to filled up with people we love.
I had a really fun time daydreaming and crafting for this gathering.
So many options in the springtime for garden decor!
I made a bunch of crepe flowers, 
most of which I used on a statement wall
under an easy banner I made out burlap, permanent marker, and stencils.
(all stuff I already had - score!)
The crepe for the flowers only cost 7 bucks.
The rest of the decor I either got on clearance or in the dollar bins at Target/Michaels...
or I already owned it.
I made the cake and cupcakes...
just please ignore the fact that the cake is lopsided.
(I am not a super baker.)

Anyway, finally party day arrived and we had a really nice time.
It was awesome to finally have a get together with plenty of kiddos running around!
We have made it to the point where most of our friends have kids.
Kind of a cool stage in life, I have to admit.
Different, but good!

So here just a few photos from the party...
ignore the slanted cake and just focus on the cupcakes!

I wanted to set this in my front flower bed amidst the roses...but it was raining on and off all day.
in her flowery frock, ready to party
my fave part.  I would cover my house in these if I could.

some of the food.  main dishes were a mac n cheese bar with a bunch of add-ins, and bbq pulled pork sliders
another food shot
two of my friends with babes that live in my neighborhood 
my friend alicia and sis-in-law molly
my godson carter
meagan and I and the girl babies!
so many babies!  
about to sing happy birthday
she was not happy having her hands restrained while the candle was being lit - she wanted that cake!!!!
digging right in
soon everyone got bored watching her lick the icing off the cake and I snapped a few shots of her calmly enjoying the messy eating process.

her legs just kill me.  oh, and she is wearing white ruffly bloomers that were mine as a baby. vintage!

Then it was over.
As quickly as it started.
A whirlwind of friends, family, kiddos and babies.
So lovely to have a houseful of loved ones and laughter and children playing.
Perhaps (most likely) our last 'first birthday' party.
If I dwell on that too much I might cry.
Just like I almost cried throwing away her last empty tub of formula.
And when I thought about packing away her bottles.

Finola, just stay a baby!  My heart can't take all the 'lasts' in my future!
Just like your brother, you went, seemingly in a moment, from a tiny newborn in my arms... a snuggly blondie who loves to laugh.
What a beautiful first year...
and a great little party to celebrate it.

Thank you to our friends and family that came to celebrate Finola.  My love language is 'quality time'...which doesn't mean I need to see friends and family a lot, per se, but simply that do our best to show up for the important stuff and when we do see each other we have meaningful time together.  I know it is hard at a crazy 1st birthday to have a lot of deep conversation, but just showing up meant a lot to THANK YOU!  We are blessed to have you in our lives. 

Happy birthday, Finola Wilder!  
(One year post to follow...)


  1. Happy Bday, lovely Finola! What a wonderful little party your mama threw for you. Lucky girl.

    I try not to think about lasts. If I don't think about them, they are not real, right? ;) It is Jeremy that will bring stuff up, and then I really get sad. :(

  2. AWW that last one is beyond precious.. happy birthday!


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