
Monday, July 14, 2014

dino cake + bounce houses + zip lines = cormac's third birthday party!

It's official.  My baby has turned three.
There is no trace of baby anymore.
He is potty-trained.
He sleeps in a regular bed.
He starts pre-school in the fall (eek!)

He will correct you if you even mention the word 'baby' in reference to him.
"I'm a big boy," he will tell you matter-of-factly.

We had an really great time on Saturday for Cormac's 3rd birthday celebration.
While the past two years we hosted actual parties on our turf, with both friends + fam invited, this year we decided to trek to Hubby's hometown of Louisville to spend the day with family. 

For the first part of the day we went to a beautiful park and let Cormac and Finola run + play  on the playground. 
Well, Finola walked --- yes WALKED!  (more on that soon!)
There was also a cute little splash pad there that Cormac took a mild interest in before heading straight back over to the playground.  Finola enjoyed the fountains, though.  Her MO is trying to plug up all the holes in the ground that are squirting water.  

ahhh!  it is OFFICIAL! after almost 14 months!
skipped her nap, so she rested on her great grampa Bubba for a while
okay...perhaps she should be a 2T in swimwear?  
this girl is unfazed by most anything
cormac was more interested in the "shooter" than the actual water
great gramma BB and auntie Blanche
blowing out the candles on his dinosaur cake.  we added the TRex, since it is his favorite.

After the kids took naps at Mimi's house, it was time to head over to this huge place full of bounce houses, zip lines, and just general kiddo awesomeness.  We met up with Nana and Pop Pop as well as Hubby's sisters Molly and Jen, Jen's husband Ben and their 2-year-old Emmie.  It was so great to catch up with them and let the cousins play (aka wear themselves out thoroughly!)
Finola loves her Pop Pop!
that is tiny Cormac on the zipline!  he had no fear!  "That was really fun!" was his decision at the end, with a huge grin.
Finola loved the big slide!
finola and her auntie mollie - blondies!
cuteness overload!
the girls with the curls
the cousins.  this is literally my best shot.  it is like herding sheep getting them together, and looking at the camera is an impossibility.  but aren't they SWEET?

By the end of the day I believe the kids were beyond exhausted!  (I know I personally was over-stimulated.)  But it was worth it to get that quality time with the family and make some memories for Cormac's birthday.  Loved it.  

Love that boy.

An official "three year" post to come...

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Cormac!!!! 3 is wonderful. :) (Although we are still holding onto the crib. Haha.)

    Love the pics of Finola in the swimsuit. Adorable. And the zipline! AWESOME! I want to do it!


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