
Friday, November 21, 2014

finola - 18 months!

Dear Finola, 

On Thursday you turned eighteen months.

I have struggled to write this post because everyone (including you) has been sick this week and it has been a blur of night wakings and coughing and rubbing Vick's on chests.  But I know if I don't get this down it will only get harder and harder to do.
So here goes...

Since your first birthday you have quickly leapt from crawling baby with a few little curls behind her ears  to walking, running, dancing, "hopping" crazy little girl with wildly bouncing blonde mane who has a daily increasing vocabulary.

You have quite a few more words than your brother did at this point, which has been super fun!  You say words like "bummer" "hop-hop" "juice" "up" "done" "dog" and are awesome at repeating things.

I still consider you a fairly "easy" baby (which, of course, is all relative.  My "hard" might be another person's "easy" or vice versa) but you have started to have some "pre-terrible twos meltdowns."  Girl, your meltdowns are a considerably more dramatic than your brother's ever were.  If you are told "no" (even in a quiet and patient tone) you shriek in the highest pitch I've ever heard,  crumble to the floor in a "child's pose" (we speak in yoga often in our house) and many times will try to bang your little blonde head into the floor (which I gently prevent while rubbing your back.)  You have also hit me in the face and pulled my hair when mad...which I am not a huge fan of.  

You do funny things like sit on Cormac's toilet (clothed) and yell "POT!" and then go through the motions of brother's bathroom routine.  I have to prevent you from flushing the toilet a million times.  Does this mean you will potty train early?  Boy, wouldn't that be lovely!

You are still a really, really good eater, favoring fruit over any other food.  You are in the 30th percentile for height, and 80th for weight.  The doc said at some point soon you will become a pickier eater and have a growth I am going to enjoy your chunk while I can.
please nola, always eat your cake with gusto!!!
Still a great sleeper.  So, so, so easy to put down for naps and bedtime.  Now you like to have a pillow and be tucked in with your blankie like a big girl.   You always ends up back on your tummy though, per usual, sprawled out and breathing noisily.   You sleep just like your Dada...while Cormac sleeps peacefully on his back, completely silent, like Mama.

You started walking just before turning 14 months old.  You are now my little dancer who twirls and moves happily to any music you like. There are even songs I will sing that you will hum and bob your head and try to sing along with.

You fold your hands to pray at mealtime prayers, and even say some of the words...which melts me, of course. 

You love to help me do all kinds of chores, especially cooking.  I am praying this continues and you and your brother will spend a lot of time with me in the kitchen, honing our skills.  I didn't start cooking until I was twenty-six years old and married,  so you will have an awesome head start, I hope!
mama's helper always!
You cling to me most times when upset, but your adore your Dada and whenever you hear my phone ring or the door open you yell, "Dada, dada, dada!" excitedly and run for the door.    You are pretty affectionate with people you know.  I am dreading your teenage years because you have a sweet, flirty smile and sparkle in your eyes that will capture any heart.

Of course, you also have a deadpan stare (and strong arm) that could deter any unwanted perhaps we are safe?

just started walking - still tentative!

loooooves to swing!
with great grandpa - she's a total cuddler 
sometimes a wide stance is necessary.
snuggles from her pop-pop
jumping on beds and wrestling with her brother are a couple of her favorite activities.
I promise she usually wears pants.
swingin' with grampa
getting dirty does not bother her.

mostly a mama's girl...but definitely loves her some dada, too!
that smile is how I'll always remember her at this age
piggy face.
"Hold hands with you?  Not so sure about that..."

white tights never a great idea with this one.  does not fit our lifestyle.
  I think perhaps you might have inherited my unintentionally expressive face.  You can't really hide your emotions.  The flip side of that is your joy and laughter is loud and boisterous and infectious.  Your serious, perplexed stare is kind of fun, too.  I relate to it well...
annoyed...probably due to the forced family photos.

"Fine mom. I'll wear this flower costume.  But I won't like it."
probably a sugar meltdown.  just sayin'.
my little poofy snow angel
you can't see it but she is carrying a walking stick.  a future outdoorswoman, I'm sure!
While I'm sad I never got to have the same one-on-one relationship I had with your brother at this age, I am overjoyed to get to watch you together.  There is fighting, there is irritation, there is laughter, there is love...
I love the two of you together, despite the chaos that always ensues.  However, I savor the "stolen" moments alone with you, as well.  Like while Cormac is at pre-school for a couple hours several days a week, or when you first wake up from your nap and I let brother watch a show just so we can hang out a little bit.
so we both look a little frazzled here -- but this is our mama/daughter reality.  
I pray for you every day and that I can always be the mother that you need - better than my natural abilities allow.

I love you, little girl!



  1. Ahhhh, how sweet. Happy 18 months, Miss Finola. How quickly time goes by! Love the photo of her on the slide. Hahaha. Reminds me of a photo from the old days.

    And Maggie is JUST like her with the tantrums. ;) So dramatic. Instantly, laying on the ground screaming. haha. Girls.

  2. They grow so fast! It's so fun when their personalities come out. LOVE the wide stance in the purple swimsuit. Great pictures as always. Thanks for sharing.


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