
Thursday, November 6, 2014

stitch fix : pre-holiday fix! I might actually be addicted to Stitch Fix.
I only say that because  I literally checked our front porch about fifty times on the day my Fix was scheduled to arrive, hoping I would see the brown box with aqua Stitch Fix packing tape on it.  It is not like I never go shopping in actual stores.  I do.  
However...there is nothing like surprise clothing in the mail!

Come on, ya' is fun.

But hey - I'll be honest : I know ladies who have tried this personal styling by mail service and didn't love their Fixes.  In fact, they used the word "hate" and "ugly" when telling me about their experiences. 
So...clearly this is not for everyone.  I understand that some women know their style already and have very specific taste and expectations about clothing.  For some women, even busy mamas, it makes more sense to just go out when they get the chance and pick out items from stores they love and not risk hating every single item (if you don't keep any of the items you lose your $20 styling fee...but if you do it is applied back toward your purchase if you keep even one item.) 

I can only say that, while I have not loved/kept every single item sent to me, I have loved at least one and have always had a ton of fun with this personal styling service!  I enjoy giving honest feedback on my fixes, pinning clothes to my Pinterest style board and wondering how my stylist will interpret it.  I also love that I get to try on the clothing with my own wardrobe, seeing what works on my figure and what doesn't, and getting to decide in a leisurely manner if the piece actually is needed in my wardrobe.  I don't know about you, but sometimes when I am in a store I get a little "try-on crazy" and end up buying a bunch of cute stuff I really don't need.  With Stitch Fix, I am limited to the five items the stylist chooses for me and I can actually look at my closet and justify whether or not to keep it.  

So - I actually have been making more mindful clothing purchases since starting Stitch Fix.

Prior to Stitch Fix I was buying a LOT of cheap clothing from Target.
I justified it because each item cost $15-$ I really didn't have to LOVE it.
Nor did it have to last very long.

Now, because I'd like to perhaps purchase a few more expensive pieces that I really LOVE, I have cut way back on Target impulse buys (because that adds up!)

Now I ask myself...

What do I need?
(meaning : what key pieces is my closet lacking?)
Does this flatter me 100% - or is it just "okay"?
Will I wear this on a regular basis?
Does it go with items I already have?
Can I wear it different ways?
Do I LOVE it x$$$ worth?

Okay, let's get down to it.
What did I get in this pre-holiday fix?
My note to my stylist included requests for:  a bold top to wear to holiday gatherings long enough to wear with skinny jeans or leggings/boots,  an army green military jacketsweater top with a lacy bottom layer.  I also mentioned wanting a chunky, bright Aztec cardigan.  I know that trend is overplayed and I do have one already in a thin material...but I just adore the look and wanted one a bit heavier in weight.  I also basically said "no pants" as I am just hard to fit when it comes to my bottom half and I already have what I need for winter in that department.  

Below are the items my stylist (Jill) picked out for me.
You be the judge as to whether she did a fabulous job (or not!)
I'll give my opinion at the end...

#1 Benzer Mixed Material Sweater (Market and Spruce)
#2 Dorrian Graphic Knit Draped Cardigan
#3 Shasta Striped Infinity Scarf (Look by M)
#4 Candice Embellished Tie Waist Tunic (41 Hawthorn)
#5 Hebah Sherpa Lined Faux Fur Hood Anorak Coat (Tulle)

So - what do you think?
What items do you think I should keep?

The Aztec cardigan is my favorite - it is a definite keep!  It is actually exactly like one that I pinned!!!  The bright, almost neon colors make me happy and really make a statement.
The burgundy sweater is flattering and classy.  Burgundy has always been one of my favorite colors to wear. I really like the simple layered style of this - especially with my pleather pants, as it definitely tones down the "biker" look. :)
The scarf, for me, is simply "eh." It is cute but I have a lot of scarves and this one doesn't give me any thrills.
The navy embellished tunic...yeah...not my style at all.  I don't like the beading or the material.  Unless I am on the beach - and this could definitely pass as a beach cover-up.  But it doesn't work for me as a bold, dressy top for the holidays, which is what I need right now.
The olive anorak coat - ah!  I am a total sucker for coats and this was so cozy and warm and I wanna keep it sooooo bad!  But, it was a little more wintry than what I was envisioning.  I really would like a lighter weight and more fitted canvas coat in the same color/style,  as I already have a brown puffy coat with a fur-lined hood (albeit nine-years-old) and I just bought a cute ($30) tweed vest from Target with a fur-lined hood.  One can only have so many fur-lined hoods.  Riiiiight?

Well, there is my Fix...
and I think Jill did an awesome job picking out items I might like!
I am so excited to wear a couple of these pieces for various holiday get-togethers coming up!  As always, I had a blast with the whole process.  (Thank you for humoring my lame attempts at fashion photos.)

Been wanting to try Stitch Fix?
Helpful to read the FAQ's here before you get started.
If you do decide to do it, click HERE - and let me know how it goes!!!!
I love talking clothes and seeing what other friends/readers receive.

****TIP: Even if you are not a blogger take photos of yourself in the pieces.  Mirror selfies with your phone work fine.  It actually gives you a different perspective of the fit.  Don't dismiss them right out of the packaging.  Wear them with your own stuff and get a sense of how it all fits together.****


{PS : I receive nothing from Stitch Fix for blogging about my experience...I just love writing about it and sharing with you what I get!  :)  However, if you want to try it...use me as your referral by clicking on this link and getting started.  If you do decide to try I get a $25 Stitch Fix credit whenever you receive your first shipment of lovely clothes! I would adore you for this! Plus, if you refer others you will get the same awesome incentive! :D}

1 comment:

  1. I would like to apologize and thank you simultaneously: I just swiped three of your pics for my Pinterest board because they were SO CUTE (Aztec cardi, navy tunic and olive coat). If I decide to schedule a fix, I will definitely use your link so we'll (hopefully?) be even. ;)


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