
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

thirty before 30 #10: hostess a wine tasting

I consider myself a lover of wine. An oenophile, if you will.

I've always wanted to host a wine tasting, but since my energy has been down to nil and planning/executing a large party seems a little overwhelming at the moment, I decided to incorporate a mini-tasting into a small gathering of girlfriends last Saturday night.

The style I chose was simple, as my guests were admittedly novice wine drinkers: three different varietals, from three different vintners, paired with three complimentary cheeses: Swiss with the pinot, cheddar with the cab, and {my personal favorite} g-g-g-goat cheese. LURVE!

I led the tasting, poured the wine, shared my meager technical knowledge, and had a lovely time doing it all! :)

Have you ever hostessed a wine tasting?
What type was it? I would love to do this again on a grander scale, and would value any advice you might have!

Another item accomplished on the {30 before thirty} list - phew!




  1. Advice... invite people who know what they're doing! LOL. Had such an AMAZING time. Thanks for hosting - boy that Swiss was yummy! Ha!

    Love ya!

  2. When L said "spit" or "swallow" I almost shot wine out of my nose. Amazing time ladies!! <3 yas

  3. We just had a wine and cheese party a couple weeks ago and I can tell you the best place we found to buy cheese is Trader's super cheap and delicious!

  4. I went to a charity wine taating in the summer and they had an 'expert' leading it all. I did learn a lot - and quaffed rather a lot of wine!! But I like the thought of a small party like this.

    The other thing that wwas great fun this year was meeting up with friends - each of us had to bring a different bottle of wine, with the label covered, and then we all had to drink a glass of each and guess what we were drinking.

    That was brilliant....although I learnt less!!

    I hope you feel less tired soon...and that you have a VERY merry Christmas.



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