
Thursday, December 30, 2010

thirty before 30 #5: a secret revealed!

I am terrible at keeping secrets...
...especially those wonderful, happy, ridiculously awesome secrets worthy of shouting from the rooftops!
But now, since we have finally told the rest of our immediate family and most of our dear friends, I can share with the rest of the world...
I am pregnant!!!

People keep telling me life is about to change...but it already has! I have traded in my wine for ice tea, my afternoon Red Bull for unreasonably long naps, my size S clothing for, well...let's just say more loose-fitting attire.

Yes, life has changed already - and will change much more!

We are ready {as we'll ever be}!
Change is definitely oh-so-good in this case!

{we can only pray that baby has my ginormous head}

Oh, and did I mention I'm done with my first trimester? Yes, Baby and I have made it through 12 weeks together.

{the little one waving at you}

Some answers to some questions you may be dying to ask:
  • Yes, we are going to find out the sex, and yes, we will share that the world!
  • Yes, we DO have our girl and boy names picked out, but unless you are my sister you will not know until baby has been born. I know, annoying, right? :o)
  • Due date = July 12th, 2011
  • Yes, you can rub my tummy! Please do!
So that is #5 on my list of Thirty Before 30 checked off: get pregnant. {This was definitely my hubby's favorite - ha!} I had to keep it a secret as we really had no idea when it would happen. Turns out first official try is a charm. :)

Welcome, Baby Ford - to the world, er, womb!



  1. I am so so happy for you girl. I cant wait to find out the name and to meet the little one. Keep us updated!!! God bless:)

  2. Love you so much! Look how smart you baby is already... it grew an arm! :-) Hugs, M

  3. Yippee!! The world could use another you :o)
    Love you.

  4. Congrats Greta! So very excited for you!! :)


  5. Ooooh!!!! Congrats, congrats!!!! I knew it, I knew it. ;) I knew that was your #5.

    Oh, and gotta tell you. AWESOME sale at Gap Maternity right now!!! Seriously. I just got a whole new wardrobe! Maternity shopping is so much more fun!

  6. Big Head = Egg Head! :-)


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