"Do you not know that in race all runners run, but only one gets the prize?
Run in such a way as to get the prize."
I Corinthians 9:24 {NIV}
I have mentioned in previous posts my love of running,
and thought I would share how I
personally run my race...
1. Carb up the night before! I dined on pasta and a breadstick...and plenty of water.
2. Get a good night's sleep. For a new mama, six consecutive hours is awesome! :)
3. Small, healthy breakfast...with a little caffeine! I had coffee, half a banana and half a bagel with peanut butter...and I made sure I ate more than an hour before the race.
4. Get there early! Or at least early enough to hang out a little with other runners and get pumped up. Runners are pretty crazy, awesome people with a lot of positive energy!
5. Have a sweet playlist on your iPod specifically chosen for your race. My picks this year included: Good Feeling {Flo Rida}, Moves Like Jagger {Maroon 5} and Super Bass {Nicki Minaj.} Music that motivates is a must!
6. Focus on something important to you...especially during those stretches of the race that seem the hardest/longest. The last mile I thought about my baby. How I want to set a healthy example for him. How I want us to have a tradition of running this race together someday {hopefully!}
6. RUN YOUR HEART OUT! "Run in such a way as to get the prize." I have found that it doesn't matter how long your legs are, how skinny you are, or often you run...the main component for doing well is running hard and having a heart to win. And by win I mean run your absolute hardest. Competing with yourself and going for a personal record. Or heck, if you are competitive like me, trying to pass as many people as you possibly can.
7. Celebrate post-race! For me, this time, that meant quickly getting home to drive a couple hours to a family gathering...but my runner's high lasted at least until I had enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner and time with the fam.
Much love and Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all my blog friends...
I am thankful for YOU!